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First.... The Old Greenhouse....

greenhouse and salad beds with covers removed from a long winter

trying out the newly built roll up side feature just befor planting

Nothing like fresh lettuce in the spring time
New Greenhouse
Ten feet longer,and much nicer!

Setting the tanks for raising hybrid bluegill.

Putting the double row of u-clamps on the two sides.

Installing the galvanized steel bows.

Installing the top purlin for strength, with specially made clamps.

Bringing the heart cedar 4 x 4's to frame in the ends.

One end framed for a vent, and a specially made thermostatically controlled greenhouse fan.

Finished ends with vent louvers and fan in, and polycarbonate ends on.

Installing router rounded heart cedar ends over polycarbonate for attaching poly cover.

Finished greenhouse with electric outlets and lights in weatherproof PVC conduit, both fish tanks full and working with an aquarium bubbler for extra oxygen, rock wall and a two chair brick sitting area, and plantings beginning to come up.

Another picture of inside of greenhouse ready for poly covering to be put on.

Installing a HUGE stone in front of the greenhouse for a “front step” The stone was over 7’ wide, and just about as long

The wiggle wire channel in place on the ends of the greenhouse. Had to saw kerfs on the underside every foot, to be able to bend the straight channel to the radius of the greenhouse.

Friends helping me cover the greenhouse with 6 mil. Poly, using the stainless steel “wiggle wire” to hold the poly snugly in the channel.

The greenhouse completely covered, with the roll up side mechanism rolled up., albeit not exactly clamped evenly. The roll up crank pipe is filled with dry sand to give it enough weight so that it doesn’t blow up in the wind. The two little “poly aprons “ on either end are just to prevent a draft blowing in the edges when it is fully cranked down.

First ( and only ) snow of the winter so far, as of mid January, covering the greenhouse.

Another picture of the snow covered greenhouse. The snow has slid off of the roll up part evenly, because the 1 X 4’s are holding the rest in place, acting as an insulating blanket.

View of the snow covered greenhouse from the inside, standing at the back , and looking toward the door with the vents.

Another view of the snow covered greenhouse from the main door , looking back toward the exhaust fan.

Elderberry cuttings rooting in the greenhouse.

The spring greenhouse full of salad fixins’ and hundreds of plants, waiting to be planted out after the last frost. Note the little rock waterfall into the first fish tank, and the park bench sitting area!

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